I suppose you’re sitting there thinking that it is just fat old weirdos spending there hard (excuse the pun) earned money on nudie pics and bouncing boobie videos, but surprisingly, the rise of women in this cybersex world is far outside the stereotypical boundaries. The internet and cyber space has given women the power and anonymity they need to explore their sexual side online, and they are taking to it likes duck to water. According to Ferree’s research, although women spend significantly less time online then men, they account for 21% of cybersex addiction. They are overrepresented amongst those who progress beyond recreational use to the realm of addiction (mind blowing I know. I wonder myself where these women are hiding...)

So does this mean that porn is ruining our lives? Is it really as bad as it is made out to be? Try telling that to a 16 year old boy with raging hormones. But it’s how porn affects your life where people go wrong. They say everything is good in moderation, so maybe this is true with porn as well.

So maybe it’s us men that drive women to the brink of cybersex addiction? Maybe women are striving for an immediate sense of sexual power over men, or maybe they purely want sex and find it via the web cause all us blokes just give them the shits in real life?. They can go online, do their thing and leave us stranded...much the same as what many men do to women in the real world. Who knows, it’s not something I’m sure any women would admit to for fear of public humiliation, so the answer I guess will forever remain a mystery.

But we all know that girls don’t really like sex, well that’s what they tell us anyway. So maybe this whole debacle is just a misunderstanding. At the end of the day, women and men might not actually be that different. They both want to get their kicks and have a bit of fun, no strings attached. Kind of like an episode of ‘Sex and the City’ right??
So next time your missus locks herself up in the study on the computer, don’t believe she is spending all your money on eBay, she’s spending it all on porn... and blaming it all on you.

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