The internet has many valuable uses, facebook, twitter, nudie photo, music and the ability to ‘Google’ all those deep philosophical questions such as ‘If I don’t fart will I really die’ and ‘how long would it take to drive to the moon?’ to name a few. But believe it or not, the internet can be a dark place, full of online gossiping, cyberbullying, cyberstalking and a platform for extremist groups to spread their warped ideology to the world and recruit new members.
There are many infamous and outwardly public extremist groups including Ayran Nations, Konfederation of Klans and White Revoultion to name a few. No hiding the ideologies these groups posses. But don’t let a name fool you, an unsuspecting name like the ‘Australia First Party’ is fuelled by as much hatred and inspires just as much cultural and social segregation as any one of these neo-nazi groups. 

With core policies including reducing and limiting immigration, controlling foreign ownership and abolishing multiculturalism, it is clear to see this ‘party’ can clearly be labelled an extremist group which preaches hate and racism to a country that has always opened its doors to those from all over the globe and which itself was built by migrant convicts and colonists.
The Australia First Party (AFP) wishes to revert to the ‘pure Australia’, reading between the lines a ‘white Australia’ which will in turn strengthen and protect traditional families, so they claim. The ‘party’ supports such events as the Cronulla riots of
2005 and praises them as a ‘revolution in Australian nationalism’ when it was no more than a glorified, booze-fuelled racial attack on an ethnic community based on the actions of 3 individuals. Ask yourself, would the response have been so strong surrounding the events that sparked the now infamous Cronulla riots had the perpetrators been Caucasian?? I think not. It is no wonder Australia is becoming renowned internationally as a racist nation.

Its mind-blowing to think that political ‘parties’ like this exist in our backyard, and have the audacity and ability to so freely promote such hatred throughout our nation. The internet plays an integral role in this. It gives the AFP and other extremist groups the power to quickly reach a massive amount of people with powerful ideas and has a substantial impact in shaping readers political and social behaviours and opinions.
So next time you log on to the net to facebook a friend or look up photos of Lara Bingle in the shower, just remember, there is a dark side to the internet, fuelled by racial hatred from extremist groups and surprisingly, Australian political ‘parties’.
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